Sunday 1 November 2009

We went to the Ripley bonfire party last night was fun. Saw those cool fireworks again.

Had a strange feeling of deja vous. Ended up having a drink but felt a bit bored with how everyone else just wanted to leave after the fireworks.
Elle has been feeling quite unwell. I have been spending a lot of time with her.

Last night dad cooked beef baginion and soup o pistiou.

I've got work at the club tonight. I spoke to Christine who adviced me on what to do about Moniqua, who could possibly have cervical cancer. She can receive the vaccine through a pharmaciy and go to a doctor to administer it.

I'm about to start delving into the errands that i have been procrastinating over for ages now. things like the affiliate program for HUMA_ design. Also the terms and conditions for the website. such as ... talking to Alex (T-shirt guy and Bradley (product designer).

Its also vital to get under way with my getting my dam graduation tickets.

I have also be looking at some of the youtubes video subscriptions. check them out at my youtube account. These videos include fruty loops tutorials and for the newly installed AutoCAD.

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