Wednesday 25 November 2009

Last night just before falling asleep i could not get the idea out of my head of using the BillionBeats project as a possible method of getting a job with Google. I need to get everything sorted before i go into the interview granted that i get an interview.
I have also taken some inspiration from google in the new logo for HUMA_

However right now i'm extremely, today we:
sorted out the internet now producing about 6.5 mb
drove to Bellmans
posted the xbox to the ebay member (was really easy)
got the photos developed and they turned out to be the photo's of Ben and Mums trip to Denmark
Picked up dads accounts
drove to Dorking and dropped off all the antiques
got the turkey and stuff for thanksgiving
dropped off all the clothes at the charity shop

Things to do:
i still need to go to the jobcentreplus
and apply for more jobs... in which so far there is no luck from any of the jobs i have applied to so far. Anyway that sounds really bad but actually in reality i really don't want to work for either of those two companies.

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