Friday 27 November 2009

Thanks Giving

Well we had thanks giving... Unfortunately the only person to turn up was Zahra, i love her, but what the hell other pals.
Been looking at the google game try typing into google:
lady gaga
what ar
google won
how to ra

Thursday 26 November 2009

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Last night just before falling asleep i could not get the idea out of my head of using the BillionBeats project as a possible method of getting a job with Google. I need to get everything sorted before i go into the interview granted that i get an interview.
I have also taken some inspiration from google in the new logo for HUMA_

However right now i'm extremely, today we:
sorted out the internet now producing about 6.5 mb
drove to Bellmans
posted the xbox to the ebay member (was really easy)
got the photos developed and they turned out to be the photo's of Ben and Mums trip to Denmark
Picked up dads accounts
drove to Dorking and dropped off all the antiques
got the turkey and stuff for thanksgiving
dropped off all the clothes at the charity shop

Things to do:
i still need to go to the jobcentreplus
and apply for more jobs... in which so far there is no luck from any of the jobs i have applied to so far. Anyway that sounds really bad but actually in reality i really don't want to work for either of those two companies.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Post graduation

Well Graduation is over. As it happens everything was not as bad as i thought the ceremony was alright. The after party was fun also. Except Elle did complain that i was not introducing her to people but hey you cant have it all.
Tom stayed with us on Friday night then we all drove home.
Monday was all about finding a job. I have already got an interview with Cameron Carter a accounting recruitment company in London. I was told about it by Simon Paige a friend from Gloucestershire. I have also applied to M&S, Danone, Morrisons, BAE systems. Many more to apply to yet on the road to glory.
I have an interview with the Jobcetreplus today to talk about if i am eligible for job seekers allowance. Should be getting a job soon so it should not matter to much.

Thursday 19 November 2009

New businesses

Last night i cooked paella. Not one of my best it must be said. Then Elle and i sat down with a glass of white wine. As of my previous prediction we got into an argument over what Elle does around the place this included how lazy i was and also how we never go out and have fun. Perhaps people should stop cleaning up after me and then complaining about it. However i do in all honesty need to become tidier.
This morning my mind has been drawn to logo's. As i have so many different ideas for company's including... business systems company called fluid or something... accounting firm called water187 accounting. Product design called HUMA_ design. Web development company called something else. Any my point is this: all these company's need a logo to distinguish them here are some thoughts...

Later on today we have to drive to Cheltenham becasue tomorrow is my graduation. Not so much looking forward to it now Elle and i are not on best speaking terms. However the fact that i have hotel booked and 3 bottles of champagne including my bottle of Dom Perignon which i have been saving for such and occasion. Should ease the situation, as long as Elle does not have any. Looking forward to the ceremony and seeing friends, but kind of want to get it out of the way so i can move on with the next chapter in my life.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

trying to make it a JOB day

For the past 3 days it seems i have woken up with the best of intentions to make today my Job day. I was able to make the step of selling some unwanted items (apple software, n73 & the xbox). Unfortunately my efforts have been scuffelled by the constant need of a chauffeur, which of course is me. This means i have to drive to the shops to get food and out for entertainment etc. Never the less perhaps today will be my job day...
Yesterday was actually quite a good day. We went to Windsor Castle, i was blown away by all the amazing rooms that the royalty of the time had to entertain and meet their distinguished delegates or family. It was quite extraordinary and gave me some un-experienced colonial nostalgia of greatness. I mean just the fact that they built such amazing places in the first place is outstanding but then you realize that they had to fill it with all the treasures of the world, just amazing.
In the evening the lovely lady's that i have been chauffeuring around went to the theater, I remained behind and played on my new game, splinter cell double agent. That night i had the strangest dream it was all based around Waterdown. I found that i could fly by holding my breath, a recurring dream of mine, this time people where after me and i was using the power to hide from people. I also recalled i had competed in a boxing competition in Cranleigh and come first out of about 8 people. the picture that had been taken of the event had meet cut out of it, possibly becasue i was wearing a different colors to everyone else that had competed. Very strange...

Sunday 1 November 2009

We went to the Ripley bonfire party last night was fun. Saw those cool fireworks again.

Had a strange feeling of deja vous. Ended up having a drink but felt a bit bored with how everyone else just wanted to leave after the fireworks.
Elle has been feeling quite unwell. I have been spending a lot of time with her.

Last night dad cooked beef baginion and soup o pistiou.

I've got work at the club tonight. I spoke to Christine who adviced me on what to do about Moniqua, who could possibly have cervical cancer. She can receive the vaccine through a pharmaciy and go to a doctor to administer it.

I'm about to start delving into the errands that i have been procrastinating over for ages now. things like the affiliate program for HUMA_ design. Also the terms and conditions for the website. such as ... talking to Alex (T-shirt guy and Bradley (product designer).

Its also vital to get under way with my getting my dam graduation tickets.

I have also be looking at some of the youtubes video subscriptions. check them out at my youtube account. These videos include fruty loops tutorials and for the newly installed AutoCAD.