Thursday 14 January 2010

Found a job and still got loads to do...

I have seen some of what can be called luck in the past few days. I have been offered a job at a company in West Byfleet called Roxburghe which is a debt recovery company. I'm also starting my first shift in Corkers wine bar also in West Byfleet. So i've found a job... :-)
Getting a hair cut later to make sure everything runs smoothly with the interviews.
I also have to continue work on the bathroom, call Y&G, get mums 60th invitations printed, fill in my tax repayment forms and do Christine's pictures... i'm a busy boy.

I have been getting very interested in the effect that viruses have on the body including the mind.
I am also concerned about tap water if they are treating it properly. Do they get the hormones out of it? I did find some stuff that a inventor has made which is a filtration machine that filters out bacteria and even viruses out of water. The answer looks like to drink spring or mineral water. Which works out to about 3.85 a week which is for the distribution machine and the water.

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