Monday 29 November 2010

Joined LSBF for ACCA

I've started up on a course with the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) training for my ACCA qualification. I'm amazed at how quickly we seem to get through the content. Atm i am studying for my exams in Decemeber. I'm taking F5 Performance management F6 Tax and F7 Financial reporting.
I like the way that LSBF teaches and i like the tutors something that could not be said for some of the tutors and teaching style of everyone in Gloucestershire.
Most of what i'm doing i can see a very good use for out there in the real world. Especially with F5.
I have also met quite a few of the people from there. Which i am now proud to call my friends. Fahad being one of them. Such a generous, interesting and somehow enlighted person. I enjoy his company and his friends a lot.

Wednesday 16 June 2010

25th birthday

Today is my 25th birthday and marks a landmark in my life at least.
I hope that i can be this happy for the next 25 birthdays.
I had a really great party with Ali and Lucy who have now decided to get married.
I went out for a meal at Oisi. Dad made a bit of a tit out of himself being as usual quite obnoxious. Managed to get over it and just be chilled. Was very nice, wanted to just kiss everyone. Sean, Rachel, George and Emma.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Funny questions

Funny questions to ask when there is a low in the conversation...

If you had to cook yourself, how would you do it?

If you had to shag an animal which one would you shag?

If you had to eat a piece of your body which would you eat?

If Jesus where alive today would he.... smoke, sniff coke, drink?

Loft or seller, discuss?

Rats or Pigeons, discuss?

Had to watch to animals having sex, which ones?

Monday 12 April 2010

discovering myself

Over the last few weeks i have been working tremendously hard to try and get my overdraft reduced from in the thousands to 615 now. It feel good i feel sure that in about three weeks i will be well clear of my overdraft and well on the way to recovery. See all it took was an opportunity.
Now ive applied to the ACCA to do my qualification as an accountant. Some might say boring however i say necessary. I go to my wine tasting course in London and i have highlighted a lot of areas that i have particular interest in giving me a altogether new lease of life.
It all started by a Tom Campbell saying you should get your ACCA qualification while applying for jobs... it all seems so simple... im sure its not, however now i'm on a path, and sometimes that's all that counts.
i have highlighted the fact that i want to do the following in the next few years:
Further Saxophone
Further entertaining and wine tastig events
a trip snowboarding
playing more pool
a sailing trip
a scuba diving trip
learn to free fall skydive
try para gliding
organize a poker tournament
get back into rugby
get back into cricket
get back into boxing
try flying a plane
and finally get some decks and learn to mix properly...

Much of these activities are expensive so require a fair amount of money but all of them have been dreams of mine for some time.
When it snows heavy, beauty surrounds us and we have time to dream but when it clears we become unlighted.

Friday 12 March 2010

Brave New World

I have started a new job at Oisi Japanease restaurnat. The pay sucks but i have to make due.
Organized a north house reunion only Max, Kendo, Olly and Leo could make it and they turn up on different days. Getting very tired with this new world i have found myself within. I need new friends, house, job, hobbies. To get myself back on the happy ladder becasue i have well and truely fallen off and hurt myself a lot from the fall.

Thursday 25 February 2010

When i wake

The clearest of moments made warm hazy awaking as I’d gaze your face dreaming exited of the day to come. This is one of my warmest memories I have. Our deep sited compassion for each other is clear as reaching infinity. Forever I will love you. I admit in recent days we have not felt this love I speak being rudely hidden by our ad genders long. For now I will think of the good times we spent and know that forever you will be in my heart.Love

seed poem

...a young seed tries to grow and is cut down by a jealous world afraid of its beauty. Exceptional unbinding strength is needed from the seed who has been transformed by the vulgar trajicness of its fellow. Still looking back it tries to make sense of what happened and why, only answers of hate, personal gain and the chaos of luck resonate above the scorched ground littered with lies,laziness,liability are these the transcribed events of what has happened to many? will the seed ever grow into a tree and will the defecation of hate be imbued or set free?


Tuesday 26 January 2010

Found a job for real this time...

I'm working in a hotel in Chertsy called the Windsor. Its a small little hotel with only about 3 rooms and Peroni and food served. My role will be helping to drum up more business, helping out with accounts and finances, looking after the bar and kitchen. I am on 7 pounds an hour and the money is cash in hand.
Mel who i will be working for seems really nice. During the interview she commented on many things the main one that really stuck with me was when she commented on me being attractive.
I really want to make busyer. At the moment i think they could use:
A good website and other online advertisement
More variety of beers
Advertice the fact they are a hotel

were come starting thoughts... More to come.

Thursday 21 January 2010

spoke to soon

It looks as though both the jobs that looked promising have fallen through.
I have had a brain wave over the last few days. I have decided to try and become an officer in the Royal Navy. I have an presentation next wednesday. I will enroll in the navy. It seems like a good option for me. I hope that i get the position.
the situation in this country has become totally dismal. I worry about the children of the next generations having to try and comprehend the complete mess that the generations before have caused. Hopefully we will change the destiny of the country and world to make it great again.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Found a job and still got loads to do...

I have seen some of what can be called luck in the past few days. I have been offered a job at a company in West Byfleet called Roxburghe which is a debt recovery company. I'm also starting my first shift in Corkers wine bar also in West Byfleet. So i've found a job... :-)
Getting a hair cut later to make sure everything runs smoothly with the interviews.
I also have to continue work on the bathroom, call Y&G, get mums 60th invitations printed, fill in my tax repayment forms and do Christine's pictures... i'm a busy boy.

I have been getting very interested in the effect that viruses have on the body including the mind.
I am also concerned about tap water if they are treating it properly. Do they get the hormones out of it? I did find some stuff that a inventor has made which is a filtration machine that filters out bacteria and even viruses out of water. The answer looks like to drink spring or mineral water. Which works out to about 3.85 a week which is for the distribution machine and the water.

Saturday 9 January 2010

world food extravaganza ends

The world food extravaganza has come to an end, it was exhausting and not as enjoyable as i previously thought. this i put down to lack of preparation and to a certain extent my actual skill at reading and cooking.
I have also be actively playing the Kaching game. I have a 62% return after 6months which makes me 215 out of over a million investors.
I have started playing another game called Eve which is a futuristic space simulation where you can command your own fleet and do missions in space. I am enjoying it so far, however my computer is to slow to really handle it.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Had another late morning, however woke up thinking of all the tasks that i have to do.
started off by documenting some new business ideas.
i then went about getting myself booked into the doctors to sort out my heavy chest and get my blocked nose sorted out.
I then read the job spec that was sent to me by Laurence of Haze recruitment.
I also prepared a menu of for the next week. tasty...

Tuesday Jan 2010


* Boxty pancakes with black pudding bacon and mustard cream

* Champ

Wednesday Jan 2010


* · Hallomi cheese, lemon, olive oil

* · Spring Lamb with spinach and fetta rolls

* · Lemon oregano potatoes

* · Deep fried calamari with lemon mayonnaise

Thursday Jan 2010


* · Pan fried fillets of sea bass with tomato and lime salsa with cou-cou

* · Sunny vegetable patties

* · Pineapple in lime, vanilla and rum syrup

Friday Jan 2010

South American

* · Ceviche of Brill

* · Onion radish salad

* · Mojito’s

Monday 4 January 2010

Elleta and I have now officially broken up. There is a sense of hatred between us now. Frankly i just want her to leave the house. She does nothing but ask for things, it was the same when we were going out but as we are not any more i don't feel obliged to do them for her. This in tern annoys her and causes her to be increasingly short with me.
Even yesterday when we went to one of the most beautiful places i have been in the UK in some time we were still arguing over petty things.