Thursday 17 November 2011

To achieve all the things that i have stipulated in previous posts then i will have to create a system organization of time. Due to the wide ranging nature of the things that you wish to achieve it should be achieved by sorting the activity's into a schedule manner of doing them. This is my first realization. Here is how it goes:(this can be changed for one reason or another) Thursday: today is to deal with financial matters. Fri: sporting activity. Sataday: recreation poker etc Sunday: food and creation ie maybe some art etc Monday: discovery ie look into something new Tuesday:making things poetry, music wed: science Received word that mums liver has changed somehow and needs to be looked at again by her doctor. Cleaned up some leaves in the garden. I have also been thinking since last week that it would be a really good idea for me to join the army. This sort of thing i am prone to in a big way.... Making a massive decision like this in my head and carrying around with me like a viable option. I am truly considering it but like the next move i make i would have to go full into it.

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