Thursday 15 October 2009


The first thing i did today was set up a new email., in case ur wondering don't for the love of god email me.

Today I spoke to Charles Botchall of business link. He has been advising me of various forms of intellectual property protection i should undertake with regards to the new products being launched through HUMA_ design. We arranged a meeting to disscuss it further as well arranging for me to attend a workshop on business foundations. He also assured me that some of his colleages who work for an Inovatory group would also like to sit down and chat to me regarding some of my ideas.

I also spoke with both Alex and Jemma Logan (account manager) of Nochex regarding configuring the e-payment solution. It requires reading the integration information they sent. Adding a small bit of code to the backend of my website.

Tryed to get hold of the university regarding the university unpaid bills. Did not have much luck, as usual they all left their desks at about 4:00. Lazy Lazy Lazy.

Note to self: still need to sort out the robes
Also watched an adverisment for some design software called SolidDesigner by Co Create. ( It looked amazing how they could quickly change models around even late in the design stage. It always looks easy in those videos. =)

In the evning we cooked a spagattii bolanase with capers, chilli, leek. Was VV nice. Then mum and dad drove to Wales. Will be joining them there Sataday. although the train fair is a ridiculous £68!

I also spent some time investergating Google Adsence a adverting sytem where hottopics and places where a lot of interent traffic is generated are valuble beacasue you can add a Google Adsence to it and other webpages will pay per click, some earn over £300 a day... cool i know... it left me trying to work out what the next hot topic is going to be. Then Hugo Rimaud told me that websites exist that will tell you what the hot topics are on the internet in other words what people are searching for.

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