Thursday 25 February 2010

When i wake

The clearest of moments made warm hazy awaking as I’d gaze your face dreaming exited of the day to come. This is one of my warmest memories I have. Our deep sited compassion for each other is clear as reaching infinity. Forever I will love you. I admit in recent days we have not felt this love I speak being rudely hidden by our ad genders long. For now I will think of the good times we spent and know that forever you will be in my heart.Love

seed poem

...a young seed tries to grow and is cut down by a jealous world afraid of its beauty. Exceptional unbinding strength is needed from the seed who has been transformed by the vulgar trajicness of its fellow. Still looking back it tries to make sense of what happened and why, only answers of hate, personal gain and the chaos of luck resonate above the scorched ground littered with lies,laziness,liability are these the transcribed events of what has happened to many? will the seed ever grow into a tree and will the defecation of hate be imbued or set free?